Henein M, Arsenault-Lapierre G, Godard-Sebillotte C, Sourial N, Vedel I (2020). Organizational Best Practices for Dementia Questionnaire: Development and Validation. McGill Family Medicine Studies Online, 15: e01
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The goal of this study was to develop and validate a questionnaire assessing dementia best practices in interdisciplinary primary care in Canada. Following an extensive literature review of current recommendations for dementia care and an iterative process with end-users and experts, face and content validation were conducted and resulted in a 42-item questionnaire. These items were categorized into 9 domains (Leadership within the interdisciplinary primary care clinic (1 item, Financial Support, Support from cognitions specialists, Clinical information systems, Coordination and Continuity within the interdisciplinary primary care, Caregiver support and involvement, Access to and coordination with home and community services, Coordination with Hospital). This questionnaire will be a useful tool to assess the dementia organizational practices in the interdisciplinary primary care setting, specifically for the development and implementation of dementia care innovations.
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